Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) has introduced Limited Time Incentive scheme for all EU cattle destined for slaughter at BMC Lobatse. These changes are in line with BMC’s commitment of enhancing and incentivising quality beef production in Botswana. This limited offer is effective immediately and up until 31 May 2022.
For better coordination all cattle farmers are requested to book for supply-quotas beforehand by calling +5331510 which specifically deals with booking. BMC commits to a payment turnaround of 14 days. Additional benefits are that, going forth, measly cattle will ONLY attract a penalty of P1/kg as opposed to P11/kg.
- BMC buys Male & Female cattle that achieves a Cold Dress Mass of 160kg and above.
- BMC does not buy cattle with deformities or diseased.
All stakeholders are therefore urged to make necessary arrangements for the immediate supply of cattle by contacting-
- BMC Lobatse Livestock Procurement Division (0267) 533 1510
- BMC Maun Livestock Procurement Division (0267) 6864080
Beef cattle farmers are encouraged to register their holdings (farms, feedlots, kraals, waterpoint, fields ) with the Department of Veterinary Services in order to supply the European Union Market. Registration of such holdings allows the farmer to benefit from the premium EU cattle buying prices.