Members of the public are advised NOT to entertain any individual(s) with claims of selling any assets of the BMC such as cars, property or any other.
No assets of the Commission are currently being disposed, needless to say that should the need arise, BMC shall always follow well laid down statutory procedures of disposing its assets.
In view of these claims BMC is actively engaging the Botswana Police Service to address already cited incidents.
Members of the public receiving such calls/claims from these unscrupulous individuals should immediately notify the nearest Police Station or call Lobatse Police Station toll free number – 0800 600 108.
Setshaba se tsiboswa gore se ikgatholose ope yo a itshupang a direla kana a romilwe ke BMC, go rekisa dithoto tsa matlhabalelo di akaretsa dikoloi, matlo kgotsa dipe hela. Batho bago nna jalo, ba dira seo ka maikaelelo a bogodu lego gopela setshaba.
Mo nakong ya gompieno, ga gona dithoto dipe tsa BMC tsedi rekisiwang, mme ha gonale kgonagalo ya go rekisiwa ga dithoto tsa matlhabelo, go tla salwa morago molao wa thekiso ya dithoto mme le dikitsiso di direlwe mo pontsheng.
Go itepatepanya le seemo se, BMC e tsibositse ba lephata la sepodise sa Botswana ka maretshwa a.
Setshaba ka jalo se etleediwa go ikgolaganya le ba sepodise se se gaufi le bone kgotsa go leletsa mogala wa mahala wa 0800 600 108, ha seka romelelwa melaetsa kgotsa mogala ke baipapatsi bao.
All correspondences & enquiries should be routed to [email protected] or call 5331234/5340259.